Foundations of Jyotiṣa Course 1

The foundation of Astrology is Astronomy.

Learn the first two limbs of Vedic Astrology (Jyotiṣa). Jyotiṣa, means the science of light, or the science of the movement of the celestial bodies.

We will explore cycles of time, Grahas (planets), Nakṣatras (stars), observable sky patterns, and the basics of Vedic Birth Charts.

The great revealing occurs as dusk settles into night, the secrets of the universe begin to expose themselves, the cosmic womb, and the great mysteries of our arrival. The Vidyā- ‘body of knowledge’ of Jyotisa, commonly known as Vedic Astrology is a science of light. It began with astronomy, observing the myriad of celestial patterns, and connecting it to the divine order of natures laws. Let us start to unravel this intricate and wholistic science by connecting to the source of this knowledge… the sky.

In this course we will look at the skies like an observer from ancient times. We will re-connect to the visible stars and sky patterns above as they are observed from earth. With the aid of an online planetarium, we will be able to simulate real time- sky observation from your exact geo-location. Then follow the movements of the Sun, Moon, and visible planets throughout the course.

We will explore the first two limbs of Jyotisha, Gola- the observation of sky patterns from earth. And Ganita- Measuring the celestial patterns and the creation of birth charts.

This is a foundation course and is open to everyone. It is applicable to both new and seasoned students of Astrology. In this eight hour course, we will cover a wide range of topics to re-discover our home in the cosmos. Some working knowledge of the sky and or astrology is welcome but not necessary.


  • Our place in the Cosmos

  • Cycles of time

  • The three spheres

  • The cosmic highway

  • The precession of the equinoxes

  • Seasons and stargazing

  • The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs

  • Divisions of the Zodiac

  • The Solar and Lunar cycles

  • The Lunar Nodes

  • Eclipses - Why- How- When?

  • Horoscope Construction

  • How to calculate your Birth Chart

  • Characteristics of the planets

  • Additional topics will be on bright stars, constellations, and planetary patterns.


Length: 8 Hours
Dates: Upcoming dates coming soon…

Course Fee: $216


“Thank you again for this amazing class, so many pieces are coming together and making sense!” -Kelly

“Thanks so much again, Rose! Felt like I got a mini space ride with you. :) There were few things which I couldn't wrap my head around and you clarified them today. Thank you! Also, I was wondering why you wanted us to face South to see ecliptic. But, when you turned on equatorial grid on Stellarium facing North, we could see only the north pole and ecliptic isn't visible. Then it made complete sense.” -Preethi