New Moon in Pūrvāṣādha 

The Star of Invincibilty

January 11th at 6:37am ET
At 26° of Sagittarius

In the Nakṣatra of Pūrvāṣādha

Symbol- Winnowing basket, Umbrella, Regality
Shakti- Varchograna shakti, the power to invigorate
Deity- Apas, the goddess of the Waters

“Since waters, you are the source of happiness, grant to us energy-giving food (grains), and an insight to enjoy your divine splendor. Like affectionate mothers, may you bless us that we enjoy in this life your sweetest love.” Rg Veda 10.9.1-2

Todays New Moon occurs in the lunar stars of Pūrvāṣādha. The deity for this star is Apas, (water) the cosmic waters of creation. Ap means to reach to overtake, to obtain, to gain, to possess, to pervade, to occupy. Water gives the power to cleanse, purify and release. It is also unconquerable and relentlessly pushing towards the ocean (or towards any goal). Aṣādha means that which wouldn’t decay, which would be victorious invincible, unconquerable.

I reach for inspiration from our Moon mother. Our feminine bodies fertility lay at the mercy of our Moon, how could we forget? Each monthly lunation always in surrender to her flow.

“In The Woman’s encyclopedia of Myth and Secrets, Barabara G. Walker reminds us that mathesis (Ma-thesis) means “mother wisdom,” and originally referred to divination by the stars. Worldwide, in ancient and modern languages, the word “ma” means “mother.” The first astrologers and mathematicians, meaning “learned mothers,” were woman.”

-The Great Cosmic Mother, Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth.

The Shakti for Pūrvāṣādha is Varchograna shakti, the power to invigorate, renewal. Water is the great healer, that removes dirt and impurities from the body, much like our sweat during exercise purifies the skin. Ritual baths and steams have long been a tradition in many parts of the globe as a means to keep the body invigorated, and full of luster throughout the year, particularly this time of year during the colder months.

The yogatārā for this star is located in the shoulders of the Archer, common name Nunki and Kaus Borealis, the star that is the bow string, launching the arrow towards its desired target. This Nakshatra occupies 13°20' to 26°40' of zodiacal arc in Sagittarius.  Purva, which means former, emphasizes the planning stages of questing towards ones goals. In uttarāṣādha, the latter victor, and the other half of this twin set of lunar asterisms the whole universal team is invoked. This lunar cycles emphasizes the unconquerable nature of the waters that give birth to all life, the earth will live on as most indigenous cultures say, the earth will live on.

May this New Moon help to reconnect us to our intuitive intelligence and our symbiotic relationship to the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Inspiration from the Moon

“The implications of the association of women and the moon would suggest that women were the first observers of the basic periodicity of nature, the periodicity upon which all later scientific observations were made. Woman were the first to note a correspondence between an internal process she was going through and an external process in nature. She is the one who contsructs a more holistic epistemology in which subject and object are in sympathetic resonance with one another… she is the one who knows the secrets of the time of their flowering.”

-The Great Cosmic Mother, Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth

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Full Moon in Puṣya


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