Jyotiṣa Counseling

Parashari Jyotiṣa is one of the gifts of ancient Indias 5,000+ year old divination sciences. As an oral tradition preserved from generation to generation. It is with great humility to my teachers Penny Farrow and Margaret Mahan that I share this sister science of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Jyotiṣa means ‘light’- it is a science of light. Our main source of light is the Sun (star) at the center of our solar system. The Sun parades around our revolving days, casting its lights on the orbiting bodies. The light of the innumerable distant Suns woven into nights blanket takes hundreds of years to reach us. The stars are the only source of light, and the grahas ‘graspers’ (our planetary bodies) reflect this light from the heavenly sphere in the midspace region down to us on earth.

Jyotiṣa as a Vidya (body of knowledge) encompasses total awareness of the interconnectedness of mind, body, spirit and karma. If you are seeking support to clear your path forward, heal, or bring clarity to major life transitions than Jyotiṣa counseling can assist you. This ancient wisdom is a beautiful tool for aligning with ‘what is’ so we can live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.



Reach out to me directly roselzimm@gmail.com

  • Prashna readings utilize the sky pattern of the momen to answer a single pressing question on someones mind.

    For example-Should I sell my house? Should I move? Will my aunts health improve?

    The subtleties of the question will be discussed with astrological remedies if applicable.

  • Each birth chart is unique given the ever revolving cycles of the cosmos and shows the transposition of the sky at the exact time of your birth. This cosmic road map provides a window to view the karmas we came into this life with, and a window into our past lives. It is a wonderful predictive tool for understanding which karma phala ‘fruit of previous actions’ will be ripening during which periods of our life.

  • If you have a big question mark over your birth time, or date, Jyotish can help to uncover your birth time through major life events and other techniques.

    If you would like a reading but don’t know your birth time, this option will cover the additional hours needed to rectify the time and date of your birth.