Full Moon in Śatabhiṣā

The Star of Concealment

Full Moon
August 30th 9:35pm
At 13° of Aquarius
In the Nakshatra of Śatabhiṣā

Symbol- Circle
Shakti- bheshaja shakti – power to heal
Deity- Varuna-Lord of Karma and the Cosmic Ocean

Tonight's Full Moon Falls in the healing waters of the cosmic water pot of Aquarius. This is the second Full Moon this month. Every 3 years the lunar and solar years ‘sync up’ with a Month that hosts two Full Moons. We calculate a lunar year based on the recurrence of 12 Lunar Months (Full moons) and a solar year based on the number of days it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation around the Sun. The lunar year is thus slightly shorter than the solar year. Some cultures refer to this month as a Blue Moon, in the Hindu Calendar it is called Adhika-Mas, an intercalary month, or luni-solar sync up. It is considered a very auspicious time for spiritual practices, and self care. The Lunar month of Shravana (our First Full Moon of August) carries the energy of Siva, benevolence, auspiciousness, bliss. Adika-Mas and the Month of Shravan only sync up every 19 years. 

Śatabhiṣā means 100 healers, or physicians, healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level is emphasized now. This is the type of month from which miracles are born. Are you at a personal breaking point? Wanting freedom from the boundaries of your current reality? Illness: physical, mental, or spiritual? The Full Moon tonight opens us up to infinite possibilities, and working with miracles. Themes of bondage and liberation are doubly strong right now with Venus still in the serpent star undergoing her rebirth from evening to morning star, and Śatabhiṣā representing the boundaries of the manifest vs infinite spaces.

Varuna is the deity for this star, he is lord of the cosmic ocean and karmic retribution. He has an all-seeing eye in the sky and helps us to decode the language of nature. Let's explore fate and karma... Where do desires come from? Each person's desires are unique. Although, in today's world we are constantly being fed manufactured desires. But, true heartfelt desires are unique, they prompt us to follow the call of our fate. I think of destiny as the purest pursuit of our heart's deep felt desires, because these desires are a part of the ripening of our karma, it can be disguised as fate. Our cosmic dna lights up at the right time and place propelling us towards very specific choices in life. The seed of thought could be seen as the first seed of Karma, and the result of this action, is what will ripen in the future, perhaps what we experience as fate. 

The symbol for Śatabhiṣā is a circle representing the void behind all creation, zero and infinity. The circle is an organic symbol that represents the regenerative cycle of nature. We are both bound by a body, and liberated by death, the cycle repeats, but never ends.

The revealing of secrets now can prompt a feeling of liberation, and freedom from suffering. If you feel you are at a breaking point in your life, now is a good time to ask for a miracle, seek solitude, or be your own salvation. If the door opens, will you be brave enough to walk through?

The yogatārā, marker star for Śatabhiṣā is above Formalhaut at 9° of Aquarius. Formalhaut is one of the 4 bright angular stars in the royal stars of Persia and can help us to locate this lunar asterism.

This lunar asterism spans 6°40 -20° of Aquarius and contains the water pot tipping over the contents of the cosmic waters. The Shakti for Śatabhiṣā is Bheshaja shakti- the power to heal. This lunar cycle emphasizes wonder, solitude, reflection, deep healing, and uncovering secrets.

May this Full Moon uncover the secrets to your own healing, and open the door for infinite possibilities to unfold in divine timing.

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