New Moon in Āśleṣā

The Star of Embrace

New Moon
August 16th at 5:38am ET
At 29° of Cancer
In the Nakṣatra of Āśleṣā

Symbol- Snake
Shakti- Vishashleshana - burning of poison
Deity- Nagas-Divine Serpents

Tonight's New Moon falls in Āśleṣā the star of embrace and entwinement. This New Moon provokes us to awaken to our full potential, and live life authentically. It may also provoke scandal, intrigue, manipulation, or hard life lessons around letting go. A feeling of rebirth may be present as old identities, beliefs, or patterns that are no longer a reflection of your true nature are ‘burned’ in the ashes. 

I think of the Phoenix rising from the ashes right now as Venus is back in the stars of Āśleṣā as of August 7th completing her rebirth cycle from Evening to Morning Star on September 4th. Venus will remain in Āśleṣā until October 1st when the last pass over this karmic knot point of Water and Fire constellations (Cancer and Leo) is complete. This is a highly transformative time in relationships in regards to love, money, and intimacy. These two constellations have very different energies. Cancer and Leo are respectively the King and Queen of the 12 Zodiac signs. This transit supports us to look at balancing both feminine, and masculine energies in our lives right now. Feelings (the unseen world) and actions (the seen world) are connected to our lunar and solar energies.

This is a good time to reflect on if you are acting in ways that reflect your hearts deepest desires, and values? Living in alignment with our values is actually a really hard thing to do… There are so many reasons to make excuses in a world of convenience and instant gratification. 

This New Moon may shake things up, as the Nagas are symbolic of the constant state of vibration that everything in existence rests upon. We can also think of it as the well of creative potential- what yoga calls Kundalini Shakti- the dormant creative potential resting at Muladhara our (root) chakra. This potential can rest in survival mode, food, sex, money, power. Or it can be awakened to higher states of awareness through tapas (the burning of impurities) and the shedding of attachments. The hyper awareness that Āśleṣā often awakens can show up as feelings of intense vulnerability, seeking power, or protection. This is a golden opportunity to practice embracing the unknown, the process of transformation, and the shedding of real or imagined fear. Is it a snake or a rope? 

Deep healing is possible now, with a particular focus on ancestral trauma, a cycle that may need to be broken for evolution to take place. Hypnotherapy, or the practice of rituals that put you into a trance like state are highlighted as well. Therapies that can pull the subconscious to the conscious mind can help reveal to us what fears may be running the show. There may also be feelings of wanting to hide, and hibernate during this process until the dead weight is shed. The energy of this New Moon is very phoenix-like, on the other side of healing yourself is freedom from past suffering, and a more authentic life. Let what leaves your life now go with gratitude. Any endings that come up now are a welcome opportunity to lean fully into the space of trust, by embracing the unknown. 

Āśleṣā gives us the courage to face our fears and make powerful changes in our lives. This New Moon asks us to show up for ourselves in loving presence. This is how the embrace and protection of the Nagas can be felt. 

May your true spirit be well lit, and rise to its full potential this New Moon cycle.

The yogatārā of Āśleṣā is Epsilon Hydrae at 18° of Cancer. This star is actually part of the constellation of Hydrae the serpent resting just below the stars of Cancer. The lunar asterism of Āśleṣā occupies 16°40 Cancer to 0° of Leo. The New Moon is when the mind feels the least active and is in its introspective state. If you are feeling extra sensitive this New Moon, give yourself space to rest and release.

Venus Retrograde July 23rd -September 4th

Personal Journey to Authenticity

In mythology Venus is Shukra ‘bright white’ the name for Venus is connected to our reproductive organs. Shukra is given the power to bring life back to the dead, just as Venus goes from the evening star to morning star every 18 months, you may feel your closest relationships undergoing a type of rebirth, highlighting deep vulnerabilities. What does empowerment look like to you? Be mindful of the intensity on all levels snakes are known to be on red alert, and you may become entwined in power plays that feel more like bondage than freedom. Shed what no longer serves your greater purpose in life.

Venus has now passed by the Sun and will begin to reappear at dawn after August 19th. We will begin to see our brightest planet in the hours preceding sunrise now for the next 9 months.

May we all awaken to the power of love and authenticity as Venus begins to rise in our morning light.

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