Full Moon in Uttarabhādrapadā

The Star of Realization

September 29th at 2:57am PT
In the Nakṣatra of  Uttarabhādrapadā
At 11° of Pisces

Symbol- Back legs of a Funeral Cot
Shakti- Varshodyamana – power to bring rain
Deity- Ahirbudhnya - The serpent of the Deep Sea

Tonight a stunning full moon rises in the lunar stars of Uttarabhādrapadā, the ‘latter lucky feet’. Uttarabhādrapadā is symbolized by the back legs of a funeral cot, and is connected to the cremation ground, and a funeral procession. Pisces represents this release, moksha (liberation), and our resting place. One of the limitations that we face in life is the limitation of being in the body we are born into. Only through death, are we released back to the ‘spirit’ realm. The last Nakṣatra in the karmic wheel of time is Revatī, at the end of Pisces. Revatī is connected to that ‘space’ between lives, in the starry realm of spirit.

Purification on the subtle and physical level is highlighted this month. You may also feel the internal heat of this Full Moon as a desire to make changes that require some type of restraint or deprivation to achieve change.

The Deity for this star is Ahirbudhnya- the serpent of the deep sea that is connected to kundalini shakti. My teacher says of this star “Moksha or bust”. This star can have the effect of feeling as if you have been thrown into the fire, tormented by death and the cruelty of nature. It could feel like waking up with a never-ending existential crisis, seeing the world for the graveyard that it is, what lasts? The illusion of permanence is referred to as Maya in the Vedic tradition. Maya, represents that which is always changing. This is a powerful space for seeing whats beyond the object appearance of things.

While the lessons of this star can often feel very destabilizing, loss, grief, suffering. It can also be the thing ignites us to discover whats beyond this ever-shifting experience. A strong desire to attune ourselves to a larger reality and order of the cosmos has been in our blood since humans first walked this earth. The twelfth resting place of the planets in Pisces represents the places we sleep, dream, meditate and retreat to. Whats your favorite escape? Imagination, and the the ethereal fantasy land of the Piscean waters may be strong now. Vivid dreams, and even strong messages coming through dreams can be felt now.

This is a powerful lunar cycle for visualization, and the release of something that may feel like it is holding you back from living your full potential. Free yourself. May this lunar cycle support connection to our ancestors, and deepen our sense of eternity inside.

Uttara ‘the latter’ and Pūrva ‘the former’ Bhādrapadā’s are a twin set of stars that spans from 20° of Aquarius to 16°40 of Pisces, Uttara Bhādrapadā occupying 3°20-16°40 of arc in Pisces. This is a place where the elements of Water (Pisces) and ether (Uttara Bhadrapada element) meet. Uttara Bhadrapada is symbolized by the atmospheric clouds, storms, and holds varshodyamana shakti- the power to bring the rain.

“The Serpent of the Deep comes moving forward,
The best of gods and men;
[It’s] him that all the Brahmins [here] protect, drinkers and offerers of Soma,
[Who thus] belong to the Proshthapada constellation.
Four gods [protect] from all sides Karma,
Of whom they speak thus: ‘Proshthapadāsa’.
They by affirming the Abyss [in their mantras],
[which] is to be sought after, protect the Serpent, having served [him] with obeisance.”

-Nakshatra Sukta
Translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

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