New Moon Solar Eclipse in Citrā

The Star of Prosperity

October 14th at 10:55 am PST
At 26° of Virgo
In the Nakshatra of Citrā

Symbol- Diamond or Pearl
Shakti- Punya Chayani Shakti-The Power to accumulate good karma through righteous actions
Deity- Tvastr- The Divine creator of all forms

tvaṣṭā nakṣatram abhyeti citrām |
subhaṃsasaṃ yuvatiṃ rocamānām |
niveśayann amṛtān martyāṃś ca |
rūpāṇi piṃśan bhuvanāni viśvā |
tan nas tvaṣṭā tad u citrā vicaṣṭām |
tan nakṣatraṃ bhūr idā astu mahyam |
tan naḥ prajāṃ vīravatīṃ sanotu |
gobhir no aśvais samanaktu yajñam || 12 ||

“Tvastr approaches the constellation Citrā, Young lady, with beautiful light, shining! Introducing Immortals and Mortals,
Decorating all the worlds with decorations; That should for us Tvastr manifest, that indeed Chitra‐constellation; The rising constellation must be now for me! That should grant us the offspring full of valor, And thus unite Knowledge and Power in our Sacrifice.”
-Nakṣatra Sukta, translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Tomorrow's Solar Eclipse heralds a shift of a power in our minds, hearts and spirits toward the feminine aspects of creation. The never diminishing light of Shakti - our power, essence and the creator of all life. Tvastri is the deity for the lunar stars of Citrā, and it is he who creates matter out of spirit (shakti). 

Our shining jewel Citrā (spica), a blue giant star, is one of the brightest stars in the sky, and divides our 360° zodiacal arc in half at 0° of Libra. Without this star where would ancient skywatchers be? This is the star that has helped many cultures track the precession of the equinoxes, as the seasons migrate through the stars at the speed of the earth's wobble (a ~26,000 year cycle).

Shakti is often depicted as light, represented in female form, with Shiva in male form (the absolute). Shakti is the power of creation in its purest essence, the light of our infinite stars.

Citrā means ‘brilliant’, and Cit- translates to consciousness, in many lights, to observe, perceive, comprehend, to abide in the light of consciousness. All of our stars are shining jewels of creation. This is a powerful time to recognize the mini creator in you, and witness how what is done to one, is done to all. What is done to one woman is done to all woman. In the wake of this weeks news, hearts full of grief. May peace find its way to the living, and free those lost back to satya, truth.

The marker star for Citrā is another name for the bright star Spica located at 0° of Libra. A sweet spot that divides the Zodiacal circle of stars in Half and points directly to 0° of Aries. This lunar asterism occupies 26°40 of Virgo to 6°40 of Libra.

The nodes of the Moon are the two mathematical points where the Moon's path through the stars intersects with the Sun's apparent path (also known as the ecliptic). The ecliptic is the cosmic highway, the starry path all the planets tread year after year. 

In Vedic philosophy, the north and south nodes of Rahu and Ketu are Chaya Grahas- Shadow Planets. Since their form is an illusion that appears as a shadow cast over the Sun or Moon. Eclipses occur roughly every 6 months when the Sun makes its way to the nodes. The lunar nodes are deeply connected to ideas of powerful unseen forces, both positive and negative. Transformation, change, illusion, fear, confusion, and even mass hysteria. In Vedic mythology Rahu is the north node, the head of a serpent that was severed from its body Ketu (the south node). Tomorrows Solar Eclipse joins Ketu- the South node.

The nodes possess qualities related to their serpentine nature of a poisonous head with no body, insatiable desires with no belly to digest them. And Ketu, a snake's tail bound with no head, ready to break free, but no head to guide its revolution. Ketu is also connected to soldiers and armies, what leads us ‘headlessly’ along. The nodes can uncover tricky karmas:  sudden changes like getting entangled into something you were not even aware existed or sudden shifts in consciousness or fate. More often than not this is coupled with a whole lot of confusion since shadows don’t allow for the light of the luminaries to radiate with clarity and grace. Self care over the next few weeks is primary, extra time for rest, and nourishment.

Eclipses can be a powerful time for spiritualization. This eclipse falls on the New Moon at the end of Pitru Paksha, the lunar fortnight of the ancestors. Tomorrow is the culmination of this period, on the New Moon of our Ancestors, a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spirit realm is thinned, and a Solar Eclipse. This is a beautiful day to honor those departed, you may feel you are receiving messages from lost loved ones as well. On Sunday, Navaratri begins, the nine nights of the goddess, celebrating the many forms of the divine feminine, Shakti. 

Eclipse visibility path courtesty time and date

Traditionally, the regions that can witness the eclipse are said to be affected by it on a large scale. This eclipse will be visible in almost all of North and South America. The Lunar Eclipse coming up in two weeks, will be visible in all parts of the world except for North and South America… So we may be entering a period where the stage is being set for a collective shift, and world events to affect all nations.

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