Full Moon in Dhaniṣthā

The Star of Organization

At 3° of Aquarius
In the Nakṣatra of Dhaniṣthā
August 19th 2:26pm ET

Symbol- Mridanga Drum, Shivas drum in the dance of destruction and creation.
Deity- Vasus, 8 divine manifestors, Prithvi (Earth), Agni (fire), Vayu (Wind), Antariksha (Ether), Aditya (Eternal Sun), Dyaus (Sky), Chandramas (Moon), Naksatrani (Stars, Pole Star Dhruva which is motionless).
Khyapayitri shakti- The power to gain notoriety and fame

tantri aadi vaadya-shabdeshu deergheshu krama-sam-sthiteh ananya-chetaah prati-ante para-vyoma vapuh bhavet

Immerse yourself in the rapture of music.
You know what you love. Go there.

Tend to each note, each chord,
Rising up from silence and dissolving again.

Vibrating strings draw us
Into the spacious resonance of the heart.

The body becomes light as the sky
And you, one with the Great Musician,
Who is even now singing us
Into existence

-The Radiance Sutras, Translation by Lorin Roche

Todays Full Moon in Dhaniṣthā mirrors our New Moon in this lunar asterism that occurred 6 months ago. This lunar star is connected to trailblazing, leadership, and legacies. In the US, and around the world we have seen the potential for new legacies to be born as we observe what feels like the beginning of truly historical moments in power and governance.

The symbol of this star is a drum, and in this portion of sky represents authority and governance. In older cultures, it was the drum that was used to summon and command others, a universal call to action.

Vasu means brilliant or wealth givers, and the deities for this asterism are divine earthly manifestations of nature. After a curse that forces them to become mortals on earth is lifted, they retain their rightful dwelling place back in the highest worlds (heavens).

The light of this Moon holds the power to organize and bring people together, to synthesis for a higher purpose. It is our call to action so to speak. These stars are being emphasized now at a time when the Moon is Full, which is a strong symbol for the expression of woman/feminine power. This suggests that the achievement of higher aims may rest on shoulders of women’s ability to come together. In the stories connected to these stars, one of the biggest lessons is that Action must be taken for Dharma (the happiness of the whole) to occur.

Can you spot the Diamond shape north of the shoulder of Aquarius?

Dhaniṣṭha spans 26°40’ Capricorn - 6°40’ Aquarius of zodiacal arc. Today the Sun is 180° apart from the Moon, reflecting the fullness of its pearlescent body thanks to the light of the Sun. The Moon resides in Aquarius today while the Sun transits the early parts of Leo, the royal stars of Magha.

The planets rhythmic movements are one means of dividing the ‘space’ of the night sky. The planets traverse a starry highway that is contained solely by the twelve zodiacal constellations in popular use today (Aries, Taurus etc..). This 360° pie of sky can be divided into 12 pieces, as per the Suns movement over the course of a year or 27 pieces as per the Moons daily movement. The length of the constellation varies depending on if it is connected to the movements of the Sun or Moon.

The yogatārā, or marker star for Dhaniṣṭha is either Sadal Sud (the shoulder of Aquarius) or Delphinius. This marker star in Aquarius points to the Diamond shape above it. Bright star Sadal Sud is located at 29° of Capricorn, suggesting that since the Moon will be within a few degrees of this marker star, the shakti (essence) of this star will express itself strongly…

Kamala, its your time to shine.


During the day I hold my feet accountable
to watch out for wondrous insects and their dwellings.

Why would I want to bring horror
into their extraordinary

Magnetic fields draw us to Light, they move our limbs and thoughts
But it is still dark; if our hearts do not hold a lantern.
we will stumble over each other.

huddled beneath the sky
as we are.

-Love poems from God, Translation by Daniel Ladinsky

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