Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Hasta

The 4 seasonal marker points, Equinoxes and Solstices
in their corresponding constellations to date (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius respectively)

The Star of Skillfullness

In the Nakṣatra of Hasta
March 25th at 3:00am ET
At 10° of Virgo

Symbol- Hand
- Savitr, a craftsman, who is golden, with golden hands, arms, and tongue
Hasta Sthapaniya Agamai Shakti- The power to gain what we seek and place it in our hands. 

āyātu devas savitopayātu | hiraṇyayena suvṛtā rathena | vahan, hastaṃ subhagaṃ vidmanāpasam | prayacchantaṃ papuriṃ puṇyam accha | hastaḥ prayacchatvamṛtaṃ vasīyaḥ | dakṣiṇena pratigṛbhṇīma enat | dātāram adya savitā videya | yo no hastāya prasuvāti yajñam ||11 ||

“God Savitar should come, should [thus] approach [us]!
In golden Chariot that running well!
With hand that works skilfully and carefully.
Giving the plenitude pure and full of merit directly [to us];
[His] Hand should [thus] bestow [upon us] the greater and more opulent Immortality;
Which we shall receive as Dakṣina!
May I come to know today with the Giver, [as] Savitar, 
Who should bestow the Sacrifice to our hand.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Today's Penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurred in the outer circle of earth's shadow, meaning that it did not turn red, rather a light shadow fell over the Moon as it moved through the outer edge of a direct alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon. 

This lunar eclipse points our attention to the gifts we receive in this life. What has the divine will placed in your hands? Does the expression of your innate skills and talents fuel your radiance, as your gift to the world?

With the eclipse occurring in the solar constellation of Virgo, you may find yourself re-arranging your commitments, or releasing some to create more space. This is an auspicious time for decluttering you home, calendar, daily life and health routine. Many of us may also be managing burnout after a very intense six month period where the planet Mars, that governs action and strength, went from combustion (extreme weakness) to exaltation (extreme strength). A full stop, no gas at all energy in the late fall turned to the fanatical all gas with no breaks extremity- what gives? I saw a funny 90’s meme the other day that reminded me that we used to have to call a number to find out what time it was. Also, to find out what time the movies were playing. It rekindled memories of the childlike joy of never needing to know what time it was. The Sun and Moon told the story, and my mother called out ‘dinners ready!’.

Eclipse In Virgo feels…

Take care of yourself

Take care of your loved ones

Never lose faith

Hasta spans 10° of Virgo- 23°20 of Virgo, residing in the whole middle portion of this solar constellation. Hasta means ‘hand’ and holds the power to earn wealth through the hands. The magic of mantra, and word play is also emphasized now to attract a specific outcome.

The yogatārā, marker stars for Hasta are a set of three bright stars on the arms and hands of the maidan image. Commonly named, Vindemiatrix, Porrima, and Minelauvea.

 “Men illuminated yoke their mind and they yoke their thought to him (Savitr) who is illumination and largeness (boundless) and clear perceiving. The creator, the supreme god, manifests heaven wholly and his light pervades all as he follows the march of the dawn” RV 5.81.1-2

Lunar Eclipse Visibility path courtesy Time and Date

The nodes of the Moon are the two points where the Moon's orbit through the backdrop of stars intersects with the Sun's orbit, as perceived from earth. These two points shift backwards along the zodiacal belt on a ~18 year cycle. In Vedic philosophy, the north and south nodes of Rahu and Ketu are Chaya Grahas, Shadow Planets. Since they have no form at all, they symbolize the body of the shadow that is cast over the Sun and Moon. This occurs twice annually, about every six months when the lunar month links up with these points. 

Eclipses by nature are a play of illusion and shadows, but who is to say what we are perceiving in that passing moment isn’t really real? A passing shadow over our luminaries marks a change in perception, governed by the Moon, or a change in fate and destiny governed by the Sun, the giver of all life.  

Todays eclipse occurs on the Ketu side, a tail bound with no head, is the symbol of the south node. Ketu is symolic of our final emancipation, where we came from and how we leave this body. Ketu is the giver of Moksha-liberation from suffering, and provokes us to look at our past, what is binding, clinging, what needs to be released? Since Ketu has no head, listening to your body as your intuitive center is advisable. As we enter the opposite side of this eclipse season on April 8th with the Total Solar Eclipse occurring on the Rahu side of the nodes, there will be greater emphasis on the future at that time.

What greater gift could be given to us by the celesital bodies than to hold the knowledge of divine timing in our hands?

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New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Revatī