New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Revatī

The Star of Compassion

In the Nakṣatra of Revatī
April 8th at 2:21pm ET
At 25° of Pisces

Symbol- Damaru, Shivas drum in connection to time
- Pushan, lord of the path
kshiradhyapani shakti- The ability to nourish with milk

pūṣā revaty anveti panthām | puṣṭipatī paśupā vājabastyau | imāni havyā prayatā juṣāṇā | sugair no yānair upayātāṃ yajñam | kṣudrān paśūn rakṣatu revatī naḥ | gāvo no aśvān anvetu pūṣā | annaṃ rakṣantau bahudhā virūpam | vājaṃ sanutāṃ yajamānāya yajñam || 27 ||

Pushan follows the path [as] Revati.
The Masters of Growth and Protectors of Paśu,
both bestowing [upon us] the house full of treasures,
All these extended offerings enjoying,
Should come to our Sacrifice by well‐trod paths.
And Revati should protect our poor cattle (=weak perceptions),
And Pushan should look after our cows and horses (=knowledge and power),
They both protecting variously food, in many ways,
should thus bestow upon the Yajamāna the sacrifice rich in energy.

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Todays total solar eclipse rises in the constellation of pisces culminating in the lunar stars of Revatī. The deity for this star is Pushan, a shepherd, and feeder of the cows. Pushan is the care taker of all life, and animals. Governing the earthly region between the eastern and western horizons. Pushan helps those that lost their way, find their way back home, or find their “path” in life. The path is also the starry realm we return to, in the space between death and life…. we exist in pure eternal satya ‘truth’.

This eclipse supports creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, the wild, imaginative and wonderful. Pushan ushers in a safe return to truth, it could be a call to pave the way by walking your truth. 

A few things that may support yourself today…

Listen to your body and do not ignore it’s signals

Release expectations and guilt if you do not feel “productive”

Nourish yourself with silence or prayer, with a focus on rejuvenative practices

Revatī spans 16°40 of Pisces- 00° of Aries. The yogatārā, marker stars for Revatī is debatable because there are many faint stars in this region, but epsilon piscium at 23° of pisces is commonly used. Which means that this eclipse will be occuring right over the marker star of the asterism, this indicates that the essence, stories, and energy of this star will be strongly invoked for the next 6 months until the next round of eclipses.

Eclipses occur when the apparent path of the Sun (the ecliptic) and the Apparent path of the Moon which is at an angle to the apparent path of the Sun sync up on a New and Full Moon. This means that there are two points where the Suns path and the Moons path intersect, what we refer to the as the lunar nodes, the North (ascending node) and South (descending node). If they are ascending or descending is determined by what direction the Moon is moving when approaching this junction point. If the moon is moving towards the southern (earthly) direction it is moving towards Ketu the south node. If the Moon is moving upwards towards the sky and stars it is moving towards Rahu the north node.

Every ~6 months the soli-lunar month finds itself within the axis of the lunar nodes, the two points where the Sun and Moons journey through the starry constellations conjoin. Our luminaries are symbolic of our mind and perceptions ( the Moon) and our infinite radiance (the Sun). Eclipses can be a very powerful time to feel a sense of union, and harmony between our inner and outer ‘worlds’. The inner world of perception and the outer world of clarity.

Eclipse visibility map courtesy time and date, the red line shows the path of totality

This eclipse will be visible in all of North and Central America. It is traditionally emphasized that the regions that can see and experience the eclipse will feel its affects the strongest. On a social and poiltical level that may ring true for North and Central America.

In the context of a individuals birth chart, the eclipses must be placed within that persons chart and interpreted within the whole view of their karmas. For example if you have Gemini as your ‘rising’ constellation, it was on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born, and thus this eclipse in pisces will occur in your 10th house. The house of our influence on the world, career, and social status etc. Where the eclipse occurs int he context of your individual birth chart points to where you may feel its influence.

With so much information and generalizations swirling around the stars today I have to pause and think about if I am being true to the stars. There is no replacement in my opinion for your direct experience of the Sun, Moon and celestial bodies daily.

To live in resonance with the flow of time is to live in resonance with the gross cosmic occurrences, like waking during the day and sleeping during the night. Looking up, I feel reverence for the Moon, for me it is a practice of being with what is, a practice of presence. Today is the Solar Eclipse, let us walk with it in our hearts and minds. Maybe you watch it, maybe you stay inside and pray, either way, it’s a beautiful moment to be present with what is and see if your intuition wakes you up to the subtle energy of the divine on your own time.

She asked the stars
to give her strength
they giggled as they
whispered back
“my dear you are the sun”
-Rebecca Butt

Interested in Scheduling a Reading?

For 2024 I am offering my services by sliding scale. A personalized birth chart reading is the best way to find insightful ways to navigate your personal karmas, and find harmony amonge the celestial currents.

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