Full Moon in Maghā


Full Moon February 23rd at 7:30am ET
At 11° of Leo

In the Nakṣatra of Maghā
Symbol- Royal Throne Room

Tyaga Kshepani Shakti, the power to leave the body
Deity- Pitris, the Ancestors

Img-Simha (Leo) Gujarat 1790AD

The Star of Glory and Patronage

upahūtāḥ pitaro ye maghāsu | manojavasas sukṛtas sukṛtyāḥ | te no nakṣatre havam āgamiṣṭhāḥ | svadhābhir yajñaṃ prayataṃ juṣantām | ye agnidagdhā ye nāgnidagdhāḥ | ye’mullokaṃ pitaraḥ kṣiyanti | yāṃśca vidmayāmu ca na pravidma | maghāsu yajñaṃ sukṛtaṃ juṣantām || 8||

“The Fathers (ancestors) are called upon,
who are in Maghā‐constellation;
They with the speed of Mind,
well‐doing and well performing their duties,
Speeding up to our call‐offering in this constellation,
Should happily accept the Sacrifice offered [with exclamation of] Svadhā;
They who maintain the sacred Agni, and who maintain not,
The Fathers who abide in the transcendent world,
Whom we know and know not,
They should accept well‐made Sacrifice in the constellation of Maghā.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Tonight’s Full Moon occurs in the lunar stars of Magha, the deities for this star are the Pitris, the ancestors. Regulus translates to ‘little king’ from ancient greece and is the common name for the star Maghā, which has been associated with royalty and kingly status by many cultures. This bright blue giant in Hawaii it is called Myliki, ‘the kingly one’. The Persians refer to it as Kaab Asad, ‘the heart of the lion’. The shakti (power/ essence) of this lunar asterism is tyaga kshepani shakti, the power to leave the body.

This is a good lunar Moonth to think about your footprints, every subtle residue we leave behind. Family legacies, inheritance and family trees may be emphasized at this time. This lunar asterism is also connected to inherited positions of power, great civilizations and the infallible subtle, not so subtle source of all life, the Sun. Give me light, give me life!

If you are having all the feels this Full Moon… slow down, turn down the noise and tune into your own intuition. What choices would make your spirit feel more free and inspired? As Carolyn myss would say, take the risk…

Can you imagine a world in which the Sun didn’t shine? It’s sheer sight is a revolving mirror of every you and I, what more do we need to peer into our starry origins?

Maghā spans 0° - 13°20 of Leo, the entireity of this asterism resides in Leo and also rests at a gaṇḍānta, a karmic knot point where two elements that can not co-exist meet. There are three in total in the zodiacal wheel, the second occurring here at the edge of Cancer a water constellation and Leo, of the element of fire. This suṇḍī, is called a point of transition, it can feel unsettling, revolutionary, and transformative if the energies for change are embraced, especially as the Moon passed over this knot point on its way to Fullness a few days ago. There may have been a surge of emotions culminating the day before the full Moon, that coincided with an embrace for protection, and ended with a focus on personal empowerment. Leo rashi is ruled by the Sun, our magnetizing center of our mini universe. My favorite topic most weeks, because the Sun is a star (as we all know).

The yogatārā, marker star for Maghā has the common name of Regulus, the bright blue giant in the heart of Leo the lion. This star reigns supreme, and is one of the few asterisms that is bright enough to be visible alongside our showstopper of the night, the Full Moon which washes out huge swaths of starry sky in its glow.

If you came to me with a face I have not seen, with a voice I have never heard, I would still know you. Even if centuries separated us, I would still feel you. Somewhere between the sand and the stardust, through every collapse and creation, there is a pulse that echoes of you and I.

When we leave this world, we give up all our possessions and our memories. Love is the only thing we take with us. It is all we carry from one life to the next.

― Lang Leav, (Memories)

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