New Moon in Dhaniṣṭha

The Star of Organization and Synthesis

New Moon February 9th at 5:59pm ET

At 26° of Capricorn

In the Nakṣatra of Dhaniṣṭha

Symbol- Mridanga Drum, Shiva as Nataraja in the dance of destruction and creation.

Khyapayitri shakti- The power to gain abundance and fame

Deity- Vasus, 8 gods of the elements deified. Prithvi (Earth), Agni (fire), Vayu (Wind), Antariksha (Ether), Aditya (Eternal Sun), Dyaus (Sky), Chandramas (Moon), Naksatrani (Stars, Pole Star Dhruva which is motionless).

aṣṭau devā vasavas somyāsaḥ | catasro devīr ajarāḥ śraviṣṭhāḥ | te yajñaṃ pāntu rajasaḥ purastāt | saṃvatsarīṇam amṛtaṃ svasti | yajñaṃ naḥ pāntu vasavaḥ purastāt | dakṣiṇato ’bhiyantu śraviṣṭhāḥ | puṇyam nakṣatram abhi saṃviśāma | mā no arātir aghaśaṃsā ‘gann ||23||

“Eight Gods Vasus, [who are] beautiful,
Four Goddesses, most famous and immortal,
They should protect the Sacrifice in front of Rajas (space of darkness);
[For] well‐being is immortal and recurring every year!
May Vasus thus protect our Sacrifice in front of us (in the East)!
And in the South, should move around the most Famous [Goddesses].
May we enter into the sacred constellation!
May there come neither harm nor curse upon us.”

Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Todays New Moon falls in the lunar stars of Dhaniṣṭha. The shakti for Dhaniṣṭha is to bring abundance and fame, as the deities, the Vasus (8 elements deified) are connected to manifestation. Dhaniṣṭha holds the power to bring people together and its symbol is a drum, suggesting being summoned or called to action. The sound of the drum beat can be connected to a march, a marching band, or influencing the masses towards organization. Organization is key with this lunar asterism, and this lunar cycle will be a time of testing the individual, and collective Agni (Fire) the power to act, discern, discriminate, and digest experiences, the ‘doer’ in each of us.

On a personal level this is a good day to reflect on what lights you up? Follow the beat of that impulse and trust that it can lead you to the summit of your success, your personal best. It’s usually the thing that you doubt the least, the thing that you always return to.

What has this life called you here to do?

On a social, global level we may be summoned to take a call to action to create change, starting with ourselves. What would a free society look like? What does a free mind feel like?

The New Moon offers space for silence and reflection in the absence of its light.

May it bring us closer to our inner radiance.

Dhaniṣṭha spans 26°40’ Capricorn - 6°40’ Aquarius of zodiacal arc. The Sun and Moon today meet in the Capricorn portion of this lunar asterism. Since the planets rhythmic movements are a means of measuring ‘space’ the zodiac can be divided into 12 pieces (as per the Suns movement every Moonth) or 27 pieces as per the Moons daily movement. Same pie, different number of slices.

The yogatārā, or marker star for Dhanishta is Delphinius. Bright star Alpha Delphini is located at 23° of Capricorn, suggesting that since the Sun and Moon meet right on top of this marker star, that the energy, shakti of this star will express itself strongly.

The shape of Delphinius is that of a diamond. The ancient greeks called it a dolphin, but in the east they saw a glistening diamond. This shape and our direct experience of that symbol is part of the inference of the meanings. This asterism is also located far north, away from the band of the zodiac and planetary orbits. It shines like a glistening diamond in the apex of the northern sky. In the words of Whiteny Houston, think about it, there must be a higher love down in the heart or hidden in the stars above…

New Moon in Dhaniṣṭha in Stereo

Shine On You Crazy Diamond
by Pink Floyd

“Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
Blown on the steel breeze.

Come on you target for faraway laughter,
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!

You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.

Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!”

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