Full Moon Eclipse in Pūrvābhādrapadā

The Star of Single Mindedness

At 1° of Pisces
In the Nakṣatra of Pūrvābhādrapadā
September 17th 10:33pm ET

Symbol- Front legs of a Funeral Cot or Two faces, up and down, one looking to the past and one to the future.
Deity- Aja Ekapad- One footed goat, Deified lightning
Yajamana Udyamana Shakti- The power to spiritually uplift the sacrificer

“ We are carried.
in bellies. in arms.
in love. in hope.
in caskets. in urns.
in greif. in memories.
our whole lives
and into the next
we are carried”
-Sara Rian

Have faith, the great healer is here. Earth, Sun, Sky are all here. The great healer never sleeps, never tires, nor even blinks the eyelids.

Walk with us through the bristling branches. Laughing and crying, rejoicing and singing, the great healer is here! Walk with us hand in hand, prancing to the thunder of the blaze. What’s left now only sparkles, beloved Sun, the great healer is here. The great healing has come.

The yogatārā (marker star), for Pūrvābhādrapadā, ‘the former lucky feet’ is located at 2° of Pisces, Lambda Piscium Our lunar eclipse tonight falls right below this star at 1° of Pisces. In the above image it is the star of the Fishes bottom fin just above the Moon. The bright giant of a star, at the shoulder wing of the great square of Pegasus, is an alternative marker star and a great way to locate the dimly lit asterism of lambda piscium directly below it. Of all of the Nakṣatras this star is the darkest. It has the darkest apparent magnitude, which means it’s visibility to the naked eye.

This is the region sky that represents the beginning of the funeral, and the spirits release from the body, followed by its symbolic ascent back into the atmospheres. Aja means ‘unborn’ and its connection to lightning suggests sudden transformations through grief, trauma, or loss. Grief can often awaken us to powerful insights and revelations about the eternal truths in life. These experience can also prompt big existential questions to be raised like, what is the meaning of life? How can there be a god if he is such a cruel god? And so the spiritual quest begins, or it deepens…and deepens.

Eclipse Visibility Path Courtesy Time and Date

The effects of eclipses are felt the strongest in the regions that the eclipse is visible, possibly because the direct experience of that cosmic life force has no obstruction as it shines down on particular regions of the earth.

The meanings of Pūrvābhādrapadā will be particularly pronounced for the next six months until we have another round of eclipses. It is also the beginning of the ancestor fortnight leading up the New Moon and solar eclipse in two weeks. This is an auspicious time to honor departed loved ones. This two week period supports inner processes of reflection, meditation, and tapas (the burning of impurities or negative karmas through a spiritual discipline like yoga, or ritual).

In Ayurveda terms, “Anything we expose ourselves to or absorb, Agni (fire) is what allows us to transform it into consciousness for our personal growth.” - Hale Pule.

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New Moon in Pūrva Phalgunī