New Moon in Jyeṣṭhā 

The Star of Protection

December 12th 6:32 pm ET

At 26° of Scorpio

In the Nakshatra of Jyeṣṭhā

Symbol: A Talisman- Worn for protection
Devata: Indra, King of the Gods
Shakti- Arohana Shakti- The power to conquer or climb up

Todays New Moon falls in the lunar stars of Jyeṣṭhā but rests very close to the Yogatāra- The marker star for Mūla, at 27° of Scorpio, the center of our galaxy. Mūlas symbol is a diamond, which is formed under intense pressure and darkness, much like our galactic center that is the birthplace of our galaxy of stars. Both Mūla and Jyeṣṭhā themes will be strong now. Supremacy, and domination with Indra the King of the gods, in Jyeṣṭhā, as well as chaos and poverty within the meanings of Mūla.

The more balanced side of Jyeṣṭhā (the eldest) comes out when it turns its attention to conservation and social welfare. Our galactic center is the birthplace of stars, this New Moon calls in a moment of remembrance. We have one source of light on this planet, the Sun (our center), and the starry fields of eternity. We are living in a political pressure cooker, where things have gotten so extreme in regards to power and domination, the way that we perceive power is at breaking point, and ripe for a change of perspective to take place. The energy of this New Moon emphasizes perseverance and strength through defying the odds. The odds are stacked against us, and yet this still can change. Rise again, and again like the dawning Sun, just as Indra (power) rules the eastern direction.

An astrologer said this to me a long time ago, and I don’t know her source but she said ‘love is the only armor’, I hear this as it ripples through time.

May the embers of resilience burn well inside of us all at this time.

Jyeṣṭhā is marked by the bright star Antares, the bleeding heart of scorpio. A striking red star that is second in brightness only to Rohiṇī which is the brightest star on the ecliptic (the band of the zodiacal stars and the Suns apparent path as viewed from earth).

The Moon at New sitting with the Sun, is actually a bit closer to the marker star for Mūla, which at 27° of Scorpio is the the dark patch of the milky ways center that we consider to be the root of our creation. It is marked by a very distinct patch of dark and light matter, at the center of our galaxy. This widened area of the Milky way is considered the abode of the ancestors. Mūlas symbol, a bunch of roots, emphasizes its connection to our roots, our ancestry and the birth place of our galaxy. Indigenous cultures of North and South America referred to this area as ‘the path of souls’, ‘spirit road, and ‘ghost trail’, and was considered the abode of the deceased. Themes of ancestral healing, calling and re-connection, along with the themes of Jyeṣṭhā, the occult knowledge to transmute, and transform power will be strong for this lunar cycle, until the next New Moon.

We now enter the last week of the darkest week of the year in the northern hemisphere. A new dawn, ‘year’ or cycle begins on the Winter Solstice on December 21st. On this day the Sun begins its northerly journey at dawn and the days begin to lengthen again. A time when many ancient cultures celebrated a new cycle, and return of the light.

Protest Poem

Should the years continue to press
As they press now, and in their pressing,
Press the sugar from my skin, let
The stone that forms inside me
Be amber.

Should there be aching, then,
For sweetness, should they
Come looking and find me, let them
Find in me this rock, and not
My bitter carapace. This rock,
And think of honey, stored away
For safe-keeping.

Tomorrow, who knows?

Should the Sun burn out,
As it plans to do, and as it burns,
Burn down all the trees, let
My shadow be a cool thing,
Reaching out to shade you.

-Medi Lewis Obadike, from Rainbow Darkness

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Winter Solstice


Full Moon in Rohiṇī