Full Moon in Uttarāṣādha

The Star of Universality

At 4° of Capricorn
In the Nakṣatra of Uttarāṣādha
July 21st 6:17am ET

Symbol- Elephant Tusk
Deity- 33 Vishvadevas, collection of all the divine forces
Apradhrishya shakti – power to give an unstoppable victory

tan no viśve upaśṛṇvantu devāḥ | tad aṣāḍhā abhisaṃyantu yajñam | tan nakṣatraṃ prathatāṃ paśubhyaḥ | kṛṣir vṛṣṭir yajamānāya kalpatām | śubhrāḥ kanyā yuvatayas supeśasaḥ | karmakṛtas sukṛto vīryāvatīḥ | viśvān devān, haviṣā vardhayantīḥ | aṣāḍhāḥ kāmam upāyantu yajñam || 20 ||

That our [call] should Universal Gods attend to,
That Sacrifice the stars of Aṣāḍhā constellation should approach together;
That constellation should expand for the Paśus (conscious beings),
And cultivation of soil and rainy seasons should fit for Yajamāna.
And [like] beautiful maidens, young and well‐dressed,
the doers of karma, perfect in their work, and full of power,
strengthening the Universal Gods by the offering,
should approach our Sacrifice as the [stars of] constellation Aṣāḍhā ‐ the Desired.

-Nakṣatra Sukta Translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Today's Full Moon is celebrated as Guru Purnima, on the Full Moon in the lunar month of Ashadha (this year falling in the Nakshatra of Uttarāṣādha. When a guide, mentor, or teacher finds you it can form new branches inside of you, stretching you past your perceived limits, and ideas about the world. One sentence, word, or notion at a pinnacle time in life, and everything you thought you knew, or clung to perishes. An opportunity to act and think in a new way arises, creating space to evolve. A wise man once said to me, when you adopt a dog, first they are your baby, as they get a bit older they are your best friend, and then they become your teacher. Noodles is about 9,000 years young in spirit, as a 35lb vessel full knowledge he lives among all the human and animal forms that I’ve crossed Suns, Moons, and oceans with.

The symbol for this lunar asterism is an Elephant Tusk connected to Ganapati, the elephant headed god that is the remover of obstacles. Ganapati represents stability, a square shape, and is connected to Muladhara chakra, our root chakra. 

The yogatārā of this lunar asterism is located at 9° of Capricorn, and in the above image the brightish stars at the top of Capricorns goat horns. Uttarāṣādha is part of a twin set of lunar asterisms. Uttarāṣādha means the latter victor, and unconquerable. It occupies 26°40 Sagittarius to 10° of Capricorn. Spanning two solar constellations.

This star points to a type of unknowable potential, and resiliency. The all star team of the 33 Vishvadevas invokes the whole cosmic team, and the blessings of all the gods. May we all rise in unison.

“I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones.”

-Franz Kafka

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