New Moon in Punarvasu

The Star of Renewal

At 20° of Gemini
In the Nakṣatra of Punarvasu
July 5th 6:57pm ET

Symbol- Quivering Arrows
Deity- Aditi, the universal mother
Vasutva prapanna shakti – the power to gain wealth or substance.

“Adityas bright and pure as streams of water, free from all guile and falsehood, blameless, perfect. These Gods, Adityas, vast, profound, and faithful, with many eyes,
fain to deceive the wicked. Upholding that which moves and that which moves not, Adityas, Gods, protectors of all beings, provident, guarding well the world of spirits, true to eternal Law, the debt-exactors. Golden and splendid, pure like streams of water, they hold aloft the three bright heavenly regions. Never do they slumber, never close their eyelids, faithful, far-ruling for the righteous mortal.
May I attain their light that brings no danger.”

Rg Veda 2.27.2-4,9, The Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakṣatras, by Radhe

Beyond the differentiation of things, beyond our dualistic parts, the transactional world of debts owed and paid, right and wrong, this or that, there is Aditi, as universal consciousness. She is unbound holding all the worlds in her lap of eternal love. She is the Divine Mother, the light bearer, and guardian of universal truth.

Aditi means that which is never separated, she is omnipresent in nature, in her there is no reference for good or bad. However, her sister Diti, is dividing, as a symbol of our finite experience. Aditi in one tale, reverses the curse of her and her sisters feuding sons. Ditis’ sons were in the process of destroying everything, as they were very divisive in nature. Aditi then prayed to lord Vishnu for a supreme child that would hold complete equanimity and equality for everyone. She prayed that his light would shine unbending on the beggar and the king, the thief and the saint. This boon was given to her, and she gave birth to Sūrya (our Sun on earth).

Aditi symbolizes the rebirth of the same divine essence over and over again. She is the eternal mother, all is held in the lap of Ma. All the taras (stars), all the heavens (worlds), everything that is finite, is held by her, because Aditi is infinite. She resides at and is praised at the beginning and end of everything. All life springs from her and all life returns to her lap.

The yogatārā of this lunar asterism is located at 26° and 29° of Gemini. The radiant stars of Castor and Pollux, are easily spotted blazing brightly as the twin heads of this zodiacal constellation. In the Vedic tradition it is not twins but a male and a female, Mithuna (gemini) meaning coupling or strengthening.

Punarvasu stretches from 20° of Gemini to 3°40 of Cancer, meaning this lunar asterism bridges two solar constellations. Within Gemini the intellectual, philosophical, and technological nature of this star is enhanced. Punar means again, anew, once more, return of something. This is an auspicious star to seek the return of something or someone lost, repay loans, or create gains through investments. Vas means ‘to shine’, to inhabit, holding the essence of something.

The energy of this star is Vasutva prapanna shakti, the power to gain wealth or substance (a type of fulfillment, good health, wealth). It is one of the most auspicious stars in the whole kala chakra of time, or circle of time and karma. The first gift we receive in this world is the gift of life. All that comes thereafter is in some way a form of blessing to our open palms. This New Moon cycle until the next New Moon supports the caring and compassionate nature of Aditi. She connects us to agrarian societies (farming and agriculture), as well as mother, or goddess worshiping lineages.

“I hope the stars are enough reason to look up.
That you realize your lineage goes well beyond this atmosphere.
That although you were born into this world,
you are not of this world.”
-R.R Meluekie

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