New Moon in Rohiṇī

The Star of Growth

At 22° of Taurus
In the Nakṣatra of Rohiṇī
June 6th 8:38am ET

Symbol- Cart pulled by cows, and a royal chariot
Deity- Brahma from the puranic point of view in the trinity of Brahma (Creation), Vishnu (preservation), and Shiva (dissolution), or Prajapati in the Veda, the creator
Rohana shakti – The power to make things grow

prajāpate rohiṇī vetu patnī | viśvarūpā bṛhatī citrabhānuḥ | sā no yajñasya suvite dadhātu | yathā jīvema śaradas savīrāḥ | rohiṇī devy udagāt purastāt | viśvā rūpāṇi pratimodamānā | prajāpatiṃ haviṣā vardhayantī | priyā devānām upa yātu yajñam || 2 ||

”O Prajapati, may Rohinī, your wife, approach [you].
With all the universal forms, Vast, luminous with varied light!
She should set us on the right Path of the Sacrifice,
So we may live our life in full strength!
Rohinī, Goddess, rose in the East,
Making all universal forms rejoice!
Strengthening the Lord Prajapati with the offering,
Beloved of the Gods, she is approaching the Sacrifice.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

The shakti, power or essence for Rohiṇī is Rohana Shakti, the power to make things grow, every spring the Sun transits this star in Taurus, at least it will do so in our lifetime and for many more to come. The Moon reaches its point of greatest strength in feminine Taurus, which is a solar constellation ruled by Venus, our planet of love, harmony, creativity and relationships. Elementally we then get a supportive combination of Earth (Taurus) and Water (Moon). Rohiṇī nakṣatra which spans 10°- 23°40’ of zodiacal arc, the whole mid portion of Taurus, carries with it the potential of a seed, a fertile field for growth, if you’ve been your watering the soil.

The yogatārā of this lunar asterism is located at 15° of Taurus. Rohiṇī commonly named Aldebaran, is the eye of Taurus the Bull and strikingly visible in its red hue. As the Moon's favorite Nakṣatra in myth, it is no surprise that Rohiṇī is the brightest of all the yogatārās spotted along the ecliptic plane. Rohiṇī represents that impetus for creation, as these red eyes are filled with passion and desire for enjoyment. In this stars expression, we can learn from the pitfalls of lust, and engage in the undeniable sweetness that grows in springs beauty, loves greatest expression. The farm stands are full of berries, and the flowers are still in bloom.

Today we have a whole stellium of planets in Taurus, our gas giant Jupiter (Guru) who moved from Aries to Taurus on May 1st, will remain in Taurus until May 15th 2025. A distant and slower moving planet, Jupiter spends one year in each of the 12 solar constellations. As we observe this bright giants orbit through the stars, we can look forward to Jupiters expansive nature now in earthy taurus supporting stability, sentimentality, and nurturance for the year ahead.

The faster moving planets of Venus and Mercury, are interior planets to earth, because of their close proximity to the Sun Venus and Mercury appear to zoom around the Zodiacal band of stars quite quickly. Venus’s transit through each solar constellation is just shy of a month and Mercury ~ two weeks. These planets never stray far from the Sun in our earthly view. Visible only at dawn and dusk, we can see in the above stellar diagram that Mercury and Venus have joined the Sun on this New Moon.

Given that we have such a strong celestial focus on Taurus constellation today, and for the coming weeks/year. The movements of Venus the planetary lord of Taurus will be especially important…

Venus Rising

In vedic astrology Venus is Śukra ‘bright white’ and is the teacher of the asuras, the demonic aspect of the divine. From April 24th-July 10th Venus has been invisible, burning with the blazing Sun as it makes its passage from morning star to evening star. When the Sun and Venus sync up every ~18 months on this journey it is as though Venus is going from the underworld back into our evening skies. When a planet is not visible by eyesight due to its close apparent proximity to the Sun it is thought that the themes of that planet are burnt, swallowed up by Ātma (eternal spirit). What can not be seen during this 10 week period, can not manifest on the gross plane. It is however, a wonderful time for the themes of Venus to burn internally, to reflect on enjoyment from relationships, and to connect with your inner harmony, peace, joy and creative expression. The poet, the lover, the artist, the diplomat, will not reach its full expression until Venus rises above the Solar rays and makes its reappearance known to the nighttime auditorium of stars on July 10th. This can symbolize a poetic rise in love, harmony, compassion and diplomacy. It is only Śukra that has knowledge of how to bring the dead back to life, and so we wait the next several weeks for Venus rising.

Is it not silly that I think I am here making offerings to the earth, as if these shells are not already hers? Like returning my sweat to the sea it came from. All flowers plucked from their stems dissolve back into her soiled feet. All streams, stream out from inside her. All the stars in the sky, shine in unison for her, and the Sun and Moon give rhythm to her cycles. My pulse beating always the same line, always on time. The earth is the teacher of teachers.  How could anything, of any usefulness close its eyes to her?

“There is reason, after all, that some people wish to colonize the moon, and others dance before it as an ancient friend.”
-James Baldwin

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