Full Moon in Anurādhā

Dancing Shiva Shakti, by BhavyaTarun1708

The Star of Leadership

At 8° of Scorpio
In the Nakṣatra of Anurādhā
May 23rd at 9:53am ET

Symbol- Lotus Flower, the roots go deep to truth
Deity- Mitra, the lord of oaths, a ‘friend to all’
Aradhana shakti – The power to worship

ṛddhyāsma havyair namasopasadya | mitraṃ devaṃ mitradheyaṃ no astu | anūrādhān, haviṣā vardhayantaḥ | śataṃ jīvema śaradaḥ savīrāḥ | citraṃ nakṣatram udagāt purastāt | anūrādhāsa iti yad vadanti | tan mitra eti pathibhir devayānaiḥ | hiraṇyayair vitatair antarikṣe || 16 ||

“May we grow [strong], having approached with obeisance and offerings Mitra,
[and] may friendship with him be ours [here]!
Increasing by the offering the achievements,
may we live hundred years with strength and courage.
Chitra‐constellation rose in the East;
For the creation of wealth – thus what they speak,
That Mitra follows with his Divine paths,
golden and growing wide in the whole mid‐world.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Today’s Full Moon falls in the lunar stars of Anurādhā, a star that has been graced with a lot more social tact and diplomacy than the surrounding asterisms. Anurādhā is just as ambitious and determined as Indra, the king of the gods, and IndraAgni- Fire, the lords of Jyeṣṭhā and Viśākhā. But, Anurādhā is ruled by Mitra, the lord of oaths and ‘a friend to all’. This lunar asterism has a sweet disposition, which softens the meanings of its Scorpion occupation.

With the beneficial gaze of our bright giants Venus and Jupiter, the positive meanings of this star may be more alive on this Full Moon. New opportunities to form or maintain friendly alliances are highlighted now. Mitra is said to have truthful speech, and the key theme here is within the sacred bond of trust.

Mitra is also known as the deity with never closing, or ‘unwinking eyes’. A solar deity that rules over the daytime. Mitra within his cosmic team helps to uphold truth and dharma, the happiness of the whole. With a we are all in this together approach, this lunar cycle embraces cooperation, collaboration and the effective use of individual skills.

The Shakti is ‘Aradhara Shakti’ - the power to worship. This is a star of deep learning, prayer and devotional practices. Just as the symbol, the lotus flower, blooms from the mud unstained. Anurādhā supports a depth and sweetness to act with love. To love just for the sake of loving, no strings attached.

Anurādhā spans 3°20-16°40 of Scorpio, the entire middle portion of this massive solar constellation. Scorpio arcs through the mid-summer skies with a brilliantly bright star studded cast of characters. One of the most easily marked constellations in starlore, this configuration of stars holds stories on all corners of the globe. While the stories vary, the groupings of stars remain largely the same. In the Pacific, they saw a fishhook and told stories of how it pulled up the Hawaiian islands, starting with the oldest island and ending with the youngest.

The yogatārā, of this lunar asterism is located where the four stars forming the claw can be seen with the Delta star, at 8° of Scorpio, is the brightest and the prominent point of expression.

As we approach the galactic center, a gandanta or ‘karmic knot’ point is formed between two solar constellations of opposing elements, Watery Scorpio and Fiery Sagittarius. This is also a natural visible transition point as it is the womb of our galaxy marked by a mass of patches of dark and light matter. This celestial terrain is called the via combusta, ‘the hot road’. Since the Full Moon is occurring in this zone it could emphasize an intense time of testing. The thing with scorpios is, you often don’t see them coming at all. And so, how do you face the avalanche? How do you hold yourself true to your values when you feel unsafe, weakened, without any security to cling to? Perhaps this is when our faith is pressed the deepest.

Scorpio represents the elements of Water, and Fire because it is ruled by the planet Mars. Since these two elements can not co-exist, we get a lot of meanings born out of this intense elemental relationship in Scorpio. The Moon is at its point of weakness in Scorpio, while also full and bright, can add an exaggerated quality, that can rattle good discernment.

Like Bruce Lee said, who has both Sun and his Rising degree in this star “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

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