Full Moon in Mūla

“In this world we are exiled from our homeland in the world above”
- Quechua

The Star of Dissolution

At 6° of Sagittarius
In the Nakṣatra of Mūla
June 21st 9:08pm ET

Symbol- A bunch of Roots
Deity- Nirriti, death, decay, misfortune
Barhana shakti – The power to unroot, break apart

mūlaṃ prajāṃ vīravatīṃ videya | parācy etu nirṛtiḥ parācā | gobhir nakṣatraṃ paśubhis samaktam | aharbhūyād yajamānāya mahyam | ahar no adya suvite dadhātu | mūlaṃ nakṣatram iti yadvadanti | parācīṃ vācā nirṛtiṃ nudāmi | śivaṃ prajāyai śivam astu mahyam|| 18 ||

May I get offspring full of courage and power [arriving at] Mūla lunar mansion.
To the beyond should go Nirṛti, Death.
[This] constellation is united with rays of knowledge and conscious beings (cows and cattle).
May there be Day for me [who is] Yajamāna (Offerer).
May Day bring us to easy path today.
Thus they say when they speak of Mūla Nakshatra,
The Death of the beyond, Nirriti, I push away with the help of the Word.
May Bliss be [always] for myself and [my] offspring!

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

Tonight's Full Moon falls in the lunar stars of Mūla. Where worlds collide, stars are born. Within this dense, dark, barren landscape of Mūla Nakṣatra is the central force of creation, the black hole of our galaxy. This cavernous womb forms the birthplace of our worlds, the intense pressure from which 100 billion stars that call this spiral galaxy home are born of. The deity is Nirriti and is connected to calamity, decay and misfortune, she is without wealth. The abode of Nirriti is the most feared of the Rudras, as she is one of the many forms of Shiva. This star highlights the very real visual orientation of extremities, extreme pressures, poverty, oppressive forces beyond our control, and the great mysteries of the universe, our unseen origins. It is a good day to worship Ganapati, the remover of obstacles, which could help remove the causes of decay that this star may stir up. Ganapati is said to rule Mūladhara chakra, which is connected to our family of origins, stability and wealth.

Among my favorite stories of the Milky Way are its connection to cosmology in Hinduism. Mūla means the root of anything, to be firm, to stand firm, to be rooted, to cause to grow, the first or original cause of something, the origins of any thing. In South America the Incas referred to the milky way as having two branches that merge at this central point, and called it ‘ghost trail’ and ‘Spirit Road’. They too saw this as the place of our origins, and told stories of our return to the ‘world above’.

The yogatārā of this lunar asterism is located at 27° of Scorpio, or 0° of Sagittarius, both point to the galactic center, the densest, darkest place of the entire sky and milky way path. Where two branches meet, there is a mass of dark gaseous matter swirling in the milky trails of our galactic sisters. A natural born cavern is formed in this area of the sky, and it was seen as the only visible point of division in the starry realm. The strongest gandanta, or karmic knot point is found here at the meeting of Sagittarius and Scorpio constellations. If you feel yourself getting lost or caught in the churning, return to the earth, or any practices that help you retain your center.

“It is above that you and I shall go, 
Along the Milk Way you and I shall go, 
Along the flower trail you and I shall go, 
Picking flowers on our way, you and I shall go.”

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