Full Moon in Pūrva Āṣāḍhā

The Star of Invincibility

Full Moon July 3rd 7:39am
At 17° of Sagittarius 
In the Nakṣatra of Pūrva Āṣāḍhā

Symbol- Winnowing basket
Shakti- Varchagrahana– The power to invigorate
Deity- Apas- Goddess of the Waters

“From the Sea comes the waters of the flowing rivers 
Never sleeping, always cleansing
Their path dug by Indra,
Thunderous bull
Goddesses, protect me!
Waters from Heaven
Waters from Earth
Waters from below the surface
Bright, purifying speeding towards the ocean
Goddesses protect me!”
Rg Veda 7:49

Todays Full Moon occured in the lunar stars of Pūrva Āṣāḍhā. The deity for this star is Apas, she is the embodiment of the waters of creation, from her all fertility and creativity flows. Water is pervasive, changeable, and becomes the outer vessel. Purification through water is emphasized now, clearing, cleansing, a dive into healing waters.

The symbol for this star is a winnowing basket used to polish grains and suggests committing to a life of self improvement. This can also be a good time for gains in prosperity as grains are another way of measuring prosperity, and provide future security. The other symbol, a fan, suggests tolerance, and patience in withstanding hard circumstances. This lunar cycle will bring up themes of adaptability, and the ability to weather through tough times. This is an ideal time to establish clear goals for the future that will improve your life and circumstances.

For creatives, creative flows may also be highlighted now, are you hitting a creative flow or a creative dam? Mars just ended its transit through watery Cancer which started on May 10th and ended on July 1st. In the stars of Cancer Mars lower qualities can be brought to the surface such as intolerance, divisiveness, and hyperreactivity. Now that Mars has moved into Leo, new commitments are highlighted, and a resurgence of creative energy may be felt. The shakti for this star is Varchagrahana shakti, the power to invigorate, an opportune time to fill your own cup, so you can achieve any goal you set your mind to with strength and resiliency.

The yogatara for this star is located on the shoulders of the Archer, the common name for these stars are Nunki and Kaus Borealis, one being the bow string, launching the arrow towards its desired target. This Nakṣatra occupies 13°20' to 26°40' of zodiacal arc in Sagittarius.

May this Full Moon cycle invoke the power to achieve our lives deeper purpose with grace in all of us.

Venus Crowns the Waxing Moon 3-2023

Venus Retrograde July 23rd -September 4th

Personal Journey to Authenticity

Venus entered the lunar stars of Āśleṣā in Cancer on June 17th, and on July 1st Venus began passing through the end of watery Cancer and the Beginning of fiery Leo. Venus will do this three times during her retrogression cycle. The point where a Water and Fire sign meet is called ‘gandanta a karmic knot point. Venus only goes retrograde every 18 months, so the particularity of it passing over this vulnerable point three times will be felt as relationships may be particularly sensitive until October 1st when Venus makes its last exit out of Cancer and into Leo with its final pass over this karmic knot point in days surrounding October 1st.

The big emphasis during this cycle of Venus retrograde is going to be through themes of personal and sexual empowerment. Venus will be spending most of its time in Āśleṣā, the star of embrace, symbolized by the Sarpas- snakes. Snakes have long been a symbol of power, sexuality, kundalini, transformation, and poisons (medicine). While Venus will only be retrograde from July 23rd-September 4th, Venus will be spending an additional 7 weeks in the Nakṣatra of Āśleṣā from August 6th- September 30th after its first passthrough from June 17th- July 6th. The themes of Āśleṣā will be strong during this retrograde phase of Venus. Initiations into a lineage for the purposes of self empowerment and or spiritual awakenings are also highlighted during both parts of this transit.

Friendships and partnerships will be emphasized. A total transformation of how you engage intimately with others is possible now, deep, meaningful relationships will endure, while superficiality of any nature may involve endings. Venus retrogrades are also notorious for bringing past lovers, or friends back into orbit. A rekindling of passion from a place of raw authenticity is possible during this retrogression period. As well as getting duped into a toxic behavior pattern where the karmic knot with someone is best to be left in ancient history. This can be a transformative time when it comes to relationship patterns that may knowingly or unknowingly diminish your feelings of personal power and freedom.

Snakes are also known to intwine themselves, it may be a particularly difficult transit for those struggling with addictions, yet an equally potent time to see the man behind the mask. I think of Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror. Addictive behavior patterns, playing small, or facing a personal victim story in life will be highlighted now. This is a good time to shed feelings of victimhood in all areas of life and let the most authentic version of you shine. Parts of you that you may have hid from others, may want to be expressed now, all with the goal of achieving your full potential in this life. You may be shedding a thick skin when it comes to love, intimacy, and personal freedom. 

Venus is our diamond at dusk or dawn since Venus is an inferior planet, Venus is only ever visible just before Sunrise or after Sunset. Every 18 months Venus retraces stars on its apparent retrogression cycle as it moves from Evening Star to Morning Star.

In mythology Venus is Shukra ‘bright white’ the name for Venus is connected to our reproductive organs. Shukra is given the power to bring life back to the dead, just as Venus goes from the darkness of night into the bright dawn of day every 18 months, you may feel your closest relationships undergoing a series of rebirths, highlighting your personal vulnerabilities. What does empowerment look like to you? Be mindful of the intensity on all levels with relationships, snakes are known to be on red alert, and you may become entwined in power plays that feel more like bondage than freedom. Shed what no longer serves your greater purpose in life.

May we all awaken to the power of love and authenticity as Venus undergoes her rebirth from night to light.

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New Moon in Āśleṣā


Full Moon in Jyeṣṭhā