Full Moon in Svāti

“O the Wind’s chariot, O its power and glory! Crashing it goes and hath a voice of thunder, it makes the regions red and touches heaven and as it moves the dust of earth is scattered. His voice is heard, his shape is ever viewless. Let us adore this wind with our oblation” RV 10.168.3

-Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakshatras, by Radhe

The Star of Independence

At 10° of Libra
In the Nakṣatra of Svāti
April 23rd at 7:49pm ET

Symbol- Sprout with shallow roots
Deity- Vāyu, the god of the wind or Saraswati
Pradhvamsa shakti- The power to scatter things like the wind Or
Pavayati shakti- The power to cleanse or purify

Vāyur nakṣatram abhye’ti niṣṭyam | tigmaśṛṅgo vṛṣabho roruvāṇaḥ | samīrayan bhuvanā mātariśvā | apa dveṣāṃsi nudatām arātīḥ | tan no vāyus tad u niṣṭyā śṛṇotu | tan nakṣatraṃ bhūr idā astu mahyam | tan no devāso anujānantu kāmam | yathā tarema duritāni viśvā || 13 |

“Vayu follows the Nishtya constellation,
[like the] Bull with sharp horns he roars,
Gathering the worlds, [for he is] Matariśvan!
He drives away the haters and their powers,
This our [call] Vayu and Nishtya constellation should hear!
For me should rise that constellation now!
The gods should grant our Desire ,
As we shall cross over all the obstacles.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

This month's Full Moon falls in the lunar stars of Svāti, and celebrates the birth of Hanuman in the Hindu calendar. The Full Moon in the lunar month of chaitra (this is the month every year that the full moon falls in Libra). This year it also happens to fall in the Nakṣatra of Svāti, two and half lunar asterisms occupy each solar constellation so this celestial synchronicity may be especially noteworthy for emphasizing the association of Hanuman with this Full Moon. And its right on the marker star for Svāti at 10° of Libra, the cosmos is literally birthing Hanuman. Hanuman is born of the Wind and Anjali (prayer). The deity for Svāti is Vāyu, the god of the wind. Hanuman has special powers, he can move anywhere, he can fly through the sky, and embodies the wind. I pray to Hanuman for strength, protection, and humility.

Both the Moon (our fastest moving celestial body as observed from earth) and the wind indicate movement and travel. There may be many opportunities for some now that involve travel, or a sense of uprooting to seize these opportunities. So many options, which one to choose, a pretty common libra dilemma. Best to choose something, then spend time lost in deliberation.  Svāti has the best intentions, it is to help us find our purpose in life. Revati lit the pathway on our New Moon eclipse, and now Svāti asks for intention, what am I here to do?

This lunar cycle supports establishing independence. This is an powerful time to be focused, and persevere.  Svāti star reminds us of the importance of laying down strong roots to rise from. It may also bring needed attention to the millions of people displaced from their roots due to war, and global conflicts that are seeking refuge.

Svāti spans 6°40 of Libra- 20° of Libra, the entire middle portion of this solar constellation. The yogatārā, marker stars for Svāti, are located at 10° of Libra. Svāti occupies a faint, and rather nameless dusty patch of the zodiac. Another name for Svāti was Nistya, meaning something thats not ‘that’ something thats hardly visible, or not fully manifested. Out there in the faint innumerable suns, it is a little bit like no mans land. This dimly lit patch of sky plays into the meanings of Svāti, a need to establish the self, by creating a healthy relationship with the ego, or Ahankara (I-sense). My teacher Penny says, ‘without ahankara you walk into the wrong house at night.’

As the Moon journeys towards the triumphant stars of Vishakha in the above image you can see the dramatic contrast in these lunar asterisms appearance. Svāti is faint and largely unnoticeable, while the bright stars of Vishaka form a radiant archway for the Moon to reside in. The Full Moon's light is so bright nary a star can be seen beside it, and it is worth noticing which ones can hold a candle to our Queen of the night.

“She loves moonlight
and rainstorms
and so many other
things that have soul.”


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New Moon in Bharaṇī


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