New Moon in Bharaṇī

Dancing Shiva Shakti, by BhavyaTarun1708

“When god wants you, he takes everything from you.”


The Star of Confinement

At 23° of Aries
In the Nakṣatra of Bharaṇī
May 7th at 11:22pm ET

Symbol- Yoni- Downward facing triange, representing Shakti- Divine Creation
Deity- Yāma, the god of death, destroyer aspect of Shiva
Apabharani shakti- The power to take things away, to remove impurities, to cleanse.

apa pāpmānaṃ bharaṇīr bharantu | tad yamo rājā bhagavān vicaṣṭām | lokasya rājā mahato mahān hi | sugaṃ naḥ panthām abhayaṃ kṛṇotu | yasmin nakṣatre yama eti rājā | yasminn enam abhyaṣiñcanta devāḥ | tad asya citraṃ haviṣā’ yajāma | apa pāpmānaṃ bharaṇīr bharantu || 29 ||

“Away should drive Bharaṇī [our] sin,
That [constellation here] Yama King [our] Blissful Lord should manifest.
The King of the World, the Great of the great indeed,
should create for us the path easy to trod and fearless.
In the constellation where Yama King abides,
In which the gods install him as [their] King,
That bright light of his we should sacrifice as the offering;
And Bharaṇī should drive [our] sin away.”

-Nakṣatra Sukta translation by Vladimir Yatsenko

If we consider the power of the yoni, to create life, we are talking about the ability to turn spirit into matter. If we consider the power of the upward facing triangle (Yama) or Shiva, as Divine Dissolution we are talking about the ability to return matter to spirit. Themes of re-incarnation run wild in my memories, dreams and imaginations. To think I have never walked as an ant, wiggled as a worm, or scurried like a raccoon seems silly in earths timeless body of sand stone and bone.

If it is the power of the mothers womb to manifest this existence, then surely it is through the power of yama, to show us the way back to heaven. Yama is the first mortal to die, and to discover the path to heaven. He is the first to show others the way.

Bharaṇī spans 13°20-26°40 of Aries, the entire middle portion of this solar constellation. The yogatārā, marker stars for Bharaṇī are located at 24° of Aries. There are three faint stars here forming a downward facing triangle and the hump of the Ram. The brighter of the three is 41 Arietis at 24° of Aries. The triangle is the first closed shape and has a strong association with the esoteric arts and tantra.

This New Moon in Bharaṇī occurs right over the marker star of this lunar asterism. This will enliven the themes of this lunar asterism strongly. Bharaṇī themes are, as per Hart De Fou, and emphasis on war and revolutions. The tenacity to pursue a goal despite heavy odds. The building of empires, within finance, politics or familial lands. An interest in defining morals and ethics. Hedonism versus restraint may be challenged now in all corners of society.

As I am sick with a flu this week, I’ll keep this one short and reach for inspiration that I feel touches on the themes of Bharaṇī, and the great freedom in restraint…

MOMA, New York, NY

“In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will also be singing.
About the dark times.”
-Bertolt Brecht

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